I was born in 1969...this post makes me think what my own 1969 playlist would be. It would probably by default have to open up with The Stooges, "1969!" 😊

On a side note and touching on yours and Kevin's comment, when my sister passed away we flew to her small city in upstate, NY and I was taken aback by the number of kids who showed up at her funeral. Her children (my nieces and nephews) ranged in age from elementary to HS when she died, and several of their friends were there in support. I assume, however, it's because they lived in a smaller city.

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Mar 20Liked by Dan Pal

What memories! I don't remember class coming to the funeral mass. I think the trauma blocked out the memories. So many great songs in your list. Many of my favorites especially The Fifth Dimension and Stevie Wonder. I remember Robin's name but can't remember what she looked like. She had an impact on you though!

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I lost my dad at a young age as well, and all these years later am struck that my many of classmates showed up to the service. Not the entire class as yours did, but plenty of them. Mostly, I wonder why. I can't imagine a 10-11 year old asking to attend the service of a friend/classmates parent. I certainly wouldnt have, anyway. And now as an adult, I can't imagine encourainging a kid to do so.

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